5 Things to Know Before Choosing Dental Veneers

When it comes to getting a beautiful smile, dental veneers are one of the most popular options available. But how do you know if they are the best option for you? The following are five things you should know before choosing veneers.

Facts about veneers

1. Getting veneers is irreversible

One of the most common misconceptions about getting veneers is that this procedure is reversible. That is not the case. Since a layer of your enamel is filed down to make room for the veneers, you will always need to have veneers placed on these teeth. Luckily, today’s veneers are long-lasting.

2. Dental veneers can last up to 15 years

Dental veneers are surprisingly strong and can last between 10 and 15 years. Some dentists have even seen veneers last as long as 25 years! The important thing to remember is that you should treat your veneers like you would your normal teeth. Following good oral hygiene practices, including brushing and flossing, will help ensure that your veneers stay in the best shape possible.

3. Veneers can fix more than crooked teeth

One of the great things about veneers is they can fix many of your smile issues at once! Not only can they fix crooked teeth, but they can also fix:

  • Teeth that are chipped or broken
  • Teeth that are uneven or irregularly shaped
  • Teeth that are discolored
  • Teeth that have gaps between them

4. Veneers have improved over the years

It may surprise you to find out that veneers have been around since the 1920s! They were originally developed as removable acrylic caps, then resin or composite material was used and bonded directly to the teeth; now we use porcelain that is bonded to the teeth. With emerging technology, dentists expect veneers to keep getting better and better!

5. Dental veneers do not work for everyone

An important thing to note about veneers is that they are not suitable for everyone. Since the veneers are bonded to your own teeth, there are several instances where they won’t work. Dental veneers may not be an option if you have one or more of the following:

  • Weak, decayed or missing teeth
  • Active or recurrent gum disease
  • Grinding or clenching of your teeth

The bottom line

Dental veneers are an excellent choice for many people. Not only do they look and feel like natural teeth, but they are also long-lasting and can give you the smile you’ve always dreamed of!

Are you considering dental veneers in the Palos Verdes Estates area? Get more information at https://www.lunadabaydental.com.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Dental Veneers and Dental Laminates.

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